Website template design, coding, scripts and widgets
© Department for Education (DECD), Government of South Australia The template design and provided Photoshop banners are for the exclusive use of DECD School s and sites.
This particular website design was created by the DECD Online Communication for use by Murray Bridge North School, South Australia.
- Base template modified: 17 February 2010
- Template size:
Previous versions: 780px wide to fit 800px screen resolution
This version: Modified to work with the 24 grid system
- can be used with a 792px grid to fit 800px screen resolution OR
- can be used with a 960px grid to fit 1024px screen resolution
- Templates managed by: DECD Site Website Team, Online Communication Services, Strategic Communications, Policy Directorate, DECD
- Templates enhanced using classes modified to work with a 792px (to fit 800px) and 960px (to fit 1024px) grid systems. The 792px grid is created using
Analytics, Map and Calendar
Analytics, Map and Calendar are powered by Google (
Graphic Design
Web graphics of this website have been designed by Randy Pagatpat of the DECD Site Website Team, using the assets provided by Murray Bridge North School .
All content on this website were created by Murray Bridge North School and the Department for Education.